Emphasis on shared values. Lutheran-Christian education offers an environment for students to be surrounded by peers with a common Christian worldview on a daily basis. Through Christian education, students are afforded the opportunity to connect with peers without the temptation of faith compromising choices.
Immersion in the Word of God. Consistent and repeated exposure to Biblical lessons reinforces the Gospel for a maturing Christian. Students are led by Christian educators and leaders who daily model Christianity.
Amplification of faith. Students are provided with opportunities to practice their faith through weekly chapel, community outreach opportunities, dialogue with other Christian faculty and interaction with their peers.
Advanced academic achievement. A private Christian school tends to attract dedicated teachers who are also motivated to learn and excel. Their pupils flourish in congenial surroundings that encourage advanced studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry and other hard sciences along with the classical liberal arts.
Christian Education Resources. Public-school materials typically lack a Christian viewpoint and may even actively disparage Christian values. A private school can and will choose curriculum materials that are at least open to Christian values.
Individual attention. Public schools tend to suffer from inadequate teacher-to-student ratios while private schools tend to offer better individual attention to their students. Students receive hands on learning without the struggles encountered in over-populated classrooms.
Anti-bullying. Lutheran-Christian education provides a peaceful learning environment. The moral character and strict rules of conduct of a Christian school support non-tolerance for bullying and campus chaos.
Disciplined environment. Clear rules and an expectation of self-disciplined behavior from pupils assist the development of student dignity and respect for other people. In addressing each person holistically on a daily basis, Lutheran educational institutions prepare people to be in service to God and society by showing them how to lead a sanctified life of discipleship.
Errors taught as truth. Government-operated (e.g. public schools) promote multiple contradictory worldviews in complete opposition to biblical truths in areas including human sexuality, morality, religious pluralism, gender, life issues, origins of the universe, respect for authority, etc., etc.
Non-Christian Values in Government Operated Schools
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